Motion-Report 1/18/2022
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Online motions and actions between 12/13/2021 to 1/18/2022
Minutes for meeting 12/12/2021 @ 7:00 PM PDT are still in progress and set to be adopted next meeting.
All times are PTD unless marked otherwise~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
12/13/2021 @ 5:09pm Motion proposed by: Natalie Suan, VP SFTHCC
Amended Salmon Distribution Vote
I would like to amend the Salmon distribution motion. To do distribution #1 this weekend 12/18 & 12/19 in Rio Vista. This
would include any request for shipment as we will have the labor to get out a Saturday shipment if needed. To release the
simple form attached to account for every pound distributed. The 2nd distribution should be on 1/16/2022 this would be
incentive for citizens to come out and vote. It would also prevent those who come out to vote from paying traveling expenses
again. The new board can then determine if a 3rd distribution is needed and be assured that they have all request by
I suggest we advertise until supplies last and 1 order per household please. According to Will’s shipping estimate we are
looking at 8 pounds per person for 100 people or 100 applications. However, we should account for product that might spoil,
If want to use for a community event, or to offer for storage fees. I recommend accepting 80 people/applications at 8 pounds
We do not have free access to the freezer due to health codes. We must make arraignments to have someone take the product
out of the Freezer for us. So we will need to provide him dates to be available. I would also like to suggest we offer
compensation for storage. Perhaps payment or offering the proprietor Salmon in exchange for his services? It is very
generous when our citizens provide anything to our community.
Thank you,
Natalie Suan
Vice President SFTHCC
Result: Amended Salmon Distribution Vote
Salmon distribution will be Heald 12/18/2021. Forms must be turned in to receive salmon. Salmon will be given
out while supplies last. Will set up at 11am in the parking lot of the grocery store in Rio Vista. Natalie, Jay, and
Gilbert along with the CCTHITA Emergency Response team will pass out salmon, hand sanitizer, MRE in person
at the event. 12/18/2022 All of the salmon was distributed between 11am-pm. There will not be a 2nd distribution.
4 Yes
1 No
2 Abstained
Result: Motion Passes
~Natalie Suan~~~~~~
12/14/2021 @ 5:16pm Motion proposed by: Will Micklin, At Large SFTHCC
The SFC election for Council and nominations for Delegate are approved by the Council to occur on January 16, 2022 in Rio Vista. I
am concerned that the impact of the COVID-19 delta variant and the omicron variant present a risk to our SFC members that the
Council may act to mitigate. We cannot know who will attend an in-person meeting, nor their vaccination status. The State of
California Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) ( that apply to all Counties in California is still
in effect. These standards, along with County public health orders, may require the use of face coverings by all individuals indoors
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
regardless of vaccination status, and may require at least six feet distance between individuals plus
exposure times of as short a duration as 15 minutes. These ETS standards are cited in the Solano
County COVID-19 webpage and the Contra Costa County COVID-19 webpage.
I propose the SFC Council take action to reduce the risk to those attending the January 16, 2022 meeting in-person by offering the
opportunity for absentee or electronic voting, and in doing so allow SFC members to participate in the meeting without having to risk
exposure in the meeting or during travel to the meeting, and avoid the cost of travel.
On the website in the “About” tab and “Council Elections subtab” [ ] the erroneous statement,
“You must appear at our meeting in person in order to vote in the Community Election.” The Constitution states in Section 2, “The
terms of members of the Community Council shall be two years, or until their successors are elected and seated, and shall
correspond as nearly as practicable to the terms of delegates from the Community to the Central Council. A person may hold
the offices of member of the Community Council and delegate to the Central Council at the same time. The members of the
Community Council shall be elected at the same elections as delegates to the Central Council. Delegates to the Central Council
shall be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election.” [emphasis added]. The Central Council Rules of Election provides for
absentee voting and/or electronic voting. See attached Central Council Rules of Election. The Rules of Election provide in Rule 9
- VOTING, “Section 1. All eligible voters will be able to vote either by absentee voting or by electronic voting.” The erroneous
statement should be removed from the SFTHCC webpage.
SFC Council approval of absentee or electronic voting for the SFC Council election would serve the reduce the number of individuals
indoors together while increasing participation, and is compliant with the SFC Constitution and Central Council Rules of Election.
The SFCC may ask the Central Council to moderate a conference call/Zoom call to allow remote participation in the meeting, and,
with the participation of the SFC election official, may accept votes from remote participants by mobile phone text or Zoom chat.
This is my proposal. I believe it is the SFCC responsibility to take action to reduce the risk for those SFC members who wish to
participate in the Council election and Delegate nomination for those who wish to do so, which does not in any way discourage
anyone from attending the meeting in-person. So I move for Council approval of this proposal and, if approved, request to Central
Council to facilitate the Council election and Delegate nomination remotely. Thank you.
Will Micklin, 2nd Vice President
Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Tel: (619) 368-4382
Result: Absentee or Electronic voting
SFTHCC Elections were changed from 1/16/2021 to 1/15/2021 then they were postponed
3 Yes
3 No
1 Abstained
Result: Motion Tied
~Natalie Suan
12/27/2021 @ 11:39 am Motion proposed by: John Silva, President SFTHCC Motion to have Charlene Gray be
our election official.
Result: Charlene Gray to be our election official
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion Passes
~Natalie Suan
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
1/7/2022 @ 4:18pm Motion proposed by: Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCCI propose
a motion to call an emergency meeting to settle the matter of unauthorized use of the council’s
accounts through unapproved purchases by the past administration’s treasurer. This matter must be settled before the end of
this administration’s term and those responsible for the “conflict of interest” activities held to account before the community and
its council.
gilbert Michael
Result: Call for emergency meeting
1 Yes
6 Abstained
Result: Motion Failed
~Natalie Suan
1/6/2022 @ 8:52pm Motion proposed by John Silva, President SFTHCC
According to shipping issues, the salmon cannot be guaranteed to be delivered without being spoiled. I do not
want to take the chance of delivering spoiled salmon. That being said we would like to issue gift cards for $200
to those out of state who have already requested and emailed their paperwork. There were 5 requests. Please
vote Yes or No via text by Monday January 10. Thank you.
Result: Send $200 gift card in lieu of shipping salmon
5 Yes
2 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
1/7/2022 @ 3:07pm Motion proposed by Will Micklin, At Large SFTHCC
I offer a couple of motions concerning the elections for San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Council and for Central Council
Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Delegates for the San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community for three reasons:
(1) to ensure our elections are compliant with our San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Constitution and the Central Council
Rules of Election;
(2) to ensure all SFTH Community members eligible to vote have an equal opportunity to vote wherever they live in California or
(3) to protect our SFTH Community members from potential risk of COVID-19 exposure to the extent they choose by allowing them to
vote electronically or in person with masks and social distancing.
The SFC Constitution in Article II – Community Council, Section 1, states, “The governing body of the Community shall be a council
composed of seven persons called “Council Members” who shall be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election by the Full
Members of the Community …” [emphasis added]
The Constitution in Article II Section 2 states, “…The members of the Community Council shall be elected at the same elections as
delegates to the Central Council. Delegates to the Central Council shall be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election.” [emphasis
The Central Council website ( notices the Nomination period to be from
January 15, 2022 to February 5, 2022. Nominations are accepted by a candidate submission of a Declaration of Intent to Serve (Rules
of Election Rule 7. Section 3.). The Declaration for nomination of a candidate for election to the CCHITA Tribal Assembly is already
posted (see attached Delegate Declaration). I offer for San Francisco Council approval a Notice of Intent to Serve specifically for the
election of the San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Council (please see attached SFTHCC Declaration). The Declaration for
nomination of a candidate to the SFTHC Council and the Declaration for nomination of a candidate to the CCTHITA Tribal Assembly
will be accepted by the San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Election Official, Ms. Charlene Grey, between January 15, 2022
and February 5, 2022, either at the in-person meeting on January 15, 2022 or by USPS or email by COB February 5, 2022. Both
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Declarations should be available on the SFTHC election webpages and the CCTHITA election
webpages for the San Francisco Community.
The Constitution states in Article II Section 2, "... The members of the Community
Council shall be elected at the same elections as delegates to the Central Council. Delegates to the Central Council shall
be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election.” [emphasis added].
The Central Council election webpage notices the date of the Delegate election to be March 17, 2022
( The SFTH Community Constitution states the SFTH
Community Council shall be elected at the same election as Delegates, which is March 17, 2022.
The Central Council Rules of Election Rule 5 Section 2 states:
“Section 2. The Local Community Council will need to notify CCTHITA of the process they will be using for the
election either by absentee ballots or electronic voting.
a) If the Local Community Council, for any reason, has not determined its method for election, Tlingit & Haida Program
Compliance staff shall select the default the process to Electronic Voting by COB the first Thursday of December.”
By the above Rule, the San Francisco Community Council process for elections is electronic. Electronic voting for
Delegate was available and used for Delegate voting in the 2020 election. The instructions for electronic voting should
be posted on the SFTH Community election webpages.
Therefore, given that:
(1) The SFTH Community Council and Delegate elections
- nominations occur between January 15, 2022 and February 5, 2022; and
- nominations for elections are submitted to the Local Election Official by Declaration of Intent to Serve; and
- the election for SFTH Community Council and Delegate occurs on March 17, 2022.
I propose motions for the following:
(1) SFTH Community Council approve the attached Declaration of Intent to Serve for the SFTH Community Council
election, and notice to SFTH Community members with instructions for electronic voting.
(2) Following the March 17, 2022 election of SFTH Community Council members, the Council now approve the election
of officers among those seven Council members elected by a second electronic vote among SFTH Community eligible
voters. This is the procedure used by other Community Councils to election officers from among those elected to the
Community Council.
(3) SFTH Community Council include in the notice of the January 15, 2022 nomination meeting the requirement for all
attendees to the meeting to wear masks indoors (a State of California requirement) and maintain a six foot distance
between people, and to recommend attendees be vaccinated, as well as remind eligible voters that they may nominate
candidates and vote in the election electronically.
Please consider the above motions. Thank you.
Will Micklin, 2nd Vice President
Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Result: Voting motions
4 Yes
2 No
1 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
1/9/2022 @ 3:19pm Motion proposed by Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCC
I propose a motion to call for a forensic audit of SFTHCC’s financial records and accounts for this this administration’s
(2020-2021) term and the previous administration’s (2018-2019) term, to be performed prior to the next election, to
investigate and identify the responsible party/parties involved in the irresponsible and illegal use of SFTHCC property.
Thank you for your consideration
Gilbert Michael Silva
Treasurer, SFTHCC
Result: Forensic Audit
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
1/12/2022 @ 5:03pm Motion proposed by Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCC
I propose a motion to consult with the accounting firm,
Hunter & Renfro LLP in Sacramento, on 1/13/22, to discuss options for conducting the forensic audit of the council’s
accounts for the 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 administrations. This vote is not to retain services. This vote is only to consult
with Hunter & Renfro LLP about options for conducting the forensic audit.
I only seek the board’s approval to discuss the details of our accounts with the above-mentioned accounting firm.
Please respond with your vote by 9pm today.
Thank you for your consideration.
Treasurer, SFTHCC
Result: consult with Hunter & Renfro LLP about options for conducting the forensic audit.
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
1/13/2022 Motion proposed by Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCC
To preform Forensic audit with Hunter & Renfro LLP
Result: Independent Financial Professional review with Hunter & Renfro LLP about options for conducting the forensic
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Online motions and actions between 12/13/2021 to 1/18/2022
Minutes for meeting 12/12/2021 @ 7:00 PM PDT are still in progress and set to be adopted next meeting.
All times are PTD unless marked otherwise~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
12/13/2021 @ 5:09pm Motion proposed by: Natalie Suan, VP SFTHCC
Amended Salmon Distribution Vote
I would like to amend the Salmon distribution motion. To do distribution #1 this weekend 12/18 & 12/19 in Rio Vista. This
would include any request for shipment as we will have the labor to get out a Saturday shipment if needed. To release the
simple form attached to account for every pound distributed. The 2nd distribution should be on 1/16/2022 this would be
incentive for citizens to come out and vote. It would also prevent those who come out to vote from paying traveling expenses
again. The new board can then determine if a 3rd distribution is needed and be assured that they have all request by
I suggest we advertise until supplies last and 1 order per household please. According to Will’s shipping estimate we are
looking at 8 pounds per person for 100 people or 100 applications. However, we should account for product that might spoil,
If want to use for a community event, or to offer for storage fees. I recommend accepting 80 people/applications at 8 pounds
We do not have free access to the freezer due to health codes. We must make arraignments to have someone take the product
out of the Freezer for us. So we will need to provide him dates to be available. I would also like to suggest we offer
compensation for storage. Perhaps payment or offering the proprietor Salmon in exchange for his services? It is very
generous when our citizens provide anything to our community.
Thank you,
Natalie Suan
Vice President SFTHCC
Result: Amended Salmon Distribution Vote
Salmon distribution will be Heald 12/18/2021. Forms must be turned in to receive salmon. Salmon will be given
out while supplies last. Will set up at 11am in the parking lot of the grocery store in Rio Vista. Natalie, Jay, and
Gilbert along with the CCTHITA Emergency Response team will pass out salmon, hand sanitizer, MRE in person
at the event. 12/18/2022 All of the salmon was distributed between 11am-pm. There will not be a 2nd distribution.
4 Yes
1 No
2 Abstained
Result: Motion Passes
~Natalie Suan~~~~~~
12/14/2021 @ 5:16pm Motion proposed by: Will Micklin, At Large SFTHCC
The SFC election for Council and nominations for Delegate are approved by the Council to occur on January 16, 2022 in Rio Vista. I
am concerned that the impact of the COVID-19 delta variant and the omicron variant present a risk to our SFC members that the
Council may act to mitigate. We cannot know who will attend an in-person meeting, nor their vaccination status. The State of
California Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) ( that apply to all Counties in California is still
in effect. These standards, along with County public health orders, may require the use of face coverings by all individuals indoors
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
regardless of vaccination status, and may require at least six feet distance between individuals plus
exposure times of as short a duration as 15 minutes. These ETS standards are cited in the Solano
County COVID-19 webpage and the Contra Costa County COVID-19 webpage.
I propose the SFC Council take action to reduce the risk to those attending the January 16, 2022 meeting in-person by offering the
opportunity for absentee or electronic voting, and in doing so allow SFC members to participate in the meeting without having to risk
exposure in the meeting or during travel to the meeting, and avoid the cost of travel.
On the website in the “About” tab and “Council Elections subtab” [ ] the erroneous statement,
“You must appear at our meeting in person in order to vote in the Community Election.” The Constitution states in Section 2, “The
terms of members of the Community Council shall be two years, or until their successors are elected and seated, and shall
correspond as nearly as practicable to the terms of delegates from the Community to the Central Council. A person may hold
the offices of member of the Community Council and delegate to the Central Council at the same time. The members of the
Community Council shall be elected at the same elections as delegates to the Central Council. Delegates to the Central Council
shall be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election.” [emphasis added]. The Central Council Rules of Election provides for
absentee voting and/or electronic voting. See attached Central Council Rules of Election. The Rules of Election provide in Rule 9
- VOTING, “Section 1. All eligible voters will be able to vote either by absentee voting or by electronic voting.” The erroneous
statement should be removed from the SFTHCC webpage.
SFC Council approval of absentee or electronic voting for the SFC Council election would serve the reduce the number of individuals
indoors together while increasing participation, and is compliant with the SFC Constitution and Central Council Rules of Election.
The SFCC may ask the Central Council to moderate a conference call/Zoom call to allow remote participation in the meeting, and,
with the participation of the SFC election official, may accept votes from remote participants by mobile phone text or Zoom chat.
This is my proposal. I believe it is the SFCC responsibility to take action to reduce the risk for those SFC members who wish to
participate in the Council election and Delegate nomination for those who wish to do so, which does not in any way discourage
anyone from attending the meeting in-person. So I move for Council approval of this proposal and, if approved, request to Central
Council to facilitate the Council election and Delegate nomination remotely. Thank you.
Will Micklin, 2nd Vice President
Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Tel: (619) 368-4382
Result: Absentee or Electronic voting
SFTHCC Elections were changed from 1/16/2021 to 1/15/2021 then they were postponed
3 Yes
3 No
1 Abstained
Result: Motion Tied
~Natalie Suan
12/27/2021 @ 11:39 am Motion proposed by: John Silva, President SFTHCC Motion to have Charlene Gray be
our election official.
Result: Charlene Gray to be our election official
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion Passes
~Natalie Suan
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
1/7/2022 @ 4:18pm Motion proposed by: Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCCI propose
a motion to call an emergency meeting to settle the matter of unauthorized use of the council’s
accounts through unapproved purchases by the past administration’s treasurer. This matter must be settled before the end of
this administration’s term and those responsible for the “conflict of interest” activities held to account before the community and
its council.
gilbert Michael
Result: Call for emergency meeting
1 Yes
6 Abstained
Result: Motion Failed
~Natalie Suan
1/6/2022 @ 8:52pm Motion proposed by John Silva, President SFTHCC
According to shipping issues, the salmon cannot be guaranteed to be delivered without being spoiled. I do not
want to take the chance of delivering spoiled salmon. That being said we would like to issue gift cards for $200
to those out of state who have already requested and emailed their paperwork. There were 5 requests. Please
vote Yes or No via text by Monday January 10. Thank you.
Result: Send $200 gift card in lieu of shipping salmon
5 Yes
2 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
1/7/2022 @ 3:07pm Motion proposed by Will Micklin, At Large SFTHCC
I offer a couple of motions concerning the elections for San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Council and for Central Council
Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Delegates for the San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community for three reasons:
(1) to ensure our elections are compliant with our San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Constitution and the Central Council
Rules of Election;
(2) to ensure all SFTH Community members eligible to vote have an equal opportunity to vote wherever they live in California or
(3) to protect our SFTH Community members from potential risk of COVID-19 exposure to the extent they choose by allowing them to
vote electronically or in person with masks and social distancing.
The SFC Constitution in Article II – Community Council, Section 1, states, “The governing body of the Community shall be a council
composed of seven persons called “Council Members” who shall be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election by the Full
Members of the Community …” [emphasis added]
The Constitution in Article II Section 2 states, “…The members of the Community Council shall be elected at the same elections as
delegates to the Central Council. Delegates to the Central Council shall be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election.” [emphasis
The Central Council website ( notices the Nomination period to be from
January 15, 2022 to February 5, 2022. Nominations are accepted by a candidate submission of a Declaration of Intent to Serve (Rules
of Election Rule 7. Section 3.). The Declaration for nomination of a candidate for election to the CCHITA Tribal Assembly is already
posted (see attached Delegate Declaration). I offer for San Francisco Council approval a Notice of Intent to Serve specifically for the
election of the San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Council (please see attached SFTHCC Declaration). The Declaration for
nomination of a candidate to the SFTHC Council and the Declaration for nomination of a candidate to the CCTHITA Tribal Assembly
will be accepted by the San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Election Official, Ms. Charlene Grey, between January 15, 2022
and February 5, 2022, either at the in-person meeting on January 15, 2022 or by USPS or email by COB February 5, 2022. Both
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Declarations should be available on the SFTHC election webpages and the CCTHITA election
webpages for the San Francisco Community.
The Constitution states in Article II Section 2, "... The members of the Community
Council shall be elected at the same elections as delegates to the Central Council. Delegates to the Central Council shall
be elected in accordance with the Rules of Election.” [emphasis added].
The Central Council election webpage notices the date of the Delegate election to be March 17, 2022
( The SFTH Community Constitution states the SFTH
Community Council shall be elected at the same election as Delegates, which is March 17, 2022.
The Central Council Rules of Election Rule 5 Section 2 states:
“Section 2. The Local Community Council will need to notify CCTHITA of the process they will be using for the
election either by absentee ballots or electronic voting.
a) If the Local Community Council, for any reason, has not determined its method for election, Tlingit & Haida Program
Compliance staff shall select the default the process to Electronic Voting by COB the first Thursday of December.”
By the above Rule, the San Francisco Community Council process for elections is electronic. Electronic voting for
Delegate was available and used for Delegate voting in the 2020 election. The instructions for electronic voting should
be posted on the SFTH Community election webpages.
Therefore, given that:
(1) The SFTH Community Council and Delegate elections
- nominations occur between January 15, 2022 and February 5, 2022; and
- nominations for elections are submitted to the Local Election Official by Declaration of Intent to Serve; and
- the election for SFTH Community Council and Delegate occurs on March 17, 2022.
I propose motions for the following:
(1) SFTH Community Council approve the attached Declaration of Intent to Serve for the SFTH Community Council
election, and notice to SFTH Community members with instructions for electronic voting.
(2) Following the March 17, 2022 election of SFTH Community Council members, the Council now approve the election
of officers among those seven Council members elected by a second electronic vote among SFTH Community eligible
voters. This is the procedure used by other Community Councils to election officers from among those elected to the
Community Council.
(3) SFTH Community Council include in the notice of the January 15, 2022 nomination meeting the requirement for all
attendees to the meeting to wear masks indoors (a State of California requirement) and maintain a six foot distance
between people, and to recommend attendees be vaccinated, as well as remind eligible voters that they may nominate
candidates and vote in the election electronically.
Please consider the above motions. Thank you.
Will Micklin, 2nd Vice President
Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Result: Voting motions
4 Yes
2 No
1 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
1/9/2022 @ 3:19pm Motion proposed by Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCC
I propose a motion to call for a forensic audit of SFTHCC’s financial records and accounts for this this administration’s
(2020-2021) term and the previous administration’s (2018-2019) term, to be performed prior to the next election, to
investigate and identify the responsible party/parties involved in the irresponsible and illegal use of SFTHCC property.
Thank you for your consideration
Gilbert Michael Silva
Treasurer, SFTHCC
Result: Forensic Audit
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
1/12/2022 @ 5:03pm Motion proposed by Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCC
I propose a motion to consult with the accounting firm,
Hunter & Renfro LLP in Sacramento, on 1/13/22, to discuss options for conducting the forensic audit of the council’s
accounts for the 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 administrations. This vote is not to retain services. This vote is only to consult
with Hunter & Renfro LLP about options for conducting the forensic audit.
I only seek the board’s approval to discuss the details of our accounts with the above-mentioned accounting firm.
Please respond with your vote by 9pm today.
Thank you for your consideration.
Treasurer, SFTHCC
Result: consult with Hunter & Renfro LLP about options for conducting the forensic audit.
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
1/13/2022 Motion proposed by Gilbert Silva, Treasure SFTHCC
To preform Forensic audit with Hunter & Renfro LLP
Result: Independent Financial Professional review with Hunter & Renfro LLP about options for conducting the forensic
4 Yes
3 Abstained
Result: Motion passes
~Natalie Suan
1/14/2022 @ 12:40 pm Motion proposed by John Silva, President SFTHCC
I received a request from Mary Smith to help with burial cost/get her husband’s remains from a
funeral home. Her husband, Joe Smith passed away a few weeks ago of Covid and she is enduring a
large financial hardship. I propose we send her $1,500 to help with the cost.
Please vote yes or no by Sunday, January 16 at 6:00pm.
Thank You-Jay
Result: Assistance for Mary Smith
3 Yes
2 Yes if SFTHCC Citizen
2 Abstained
Result: Motion Pending
-Amendments to motion provided by Will:
I support the motion with the amendment that SFTHCC pay to Ms. Smith any gap between the actual cost of burial
assistance and FEMA assistance up to $1,500. FEMA should pay the full amount, but all things are possible. Or I would
support paying Ms. Smith $500 now and later any gap between the actual cost of burial assistance and FEMA assistance
up to $1,000. ~ Will
-Natalie & Will sent board the link for the FEMA Burial assistance program
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
-I support Will to paying Ms. Smith $500 now and later any gap between the actual cost
of burial assistance and FEMA assistance up to $1,000. Also if Joe Smith is Gold Belt,
Sealaska or any village corporation he could qualify for burial funds that would cover
most if not all fees~DonnaRae James~~~~~
1/14/2022 @ 3:13 pm Motion proposed by DonnaRae James, At Large SFTHCC
Before this moves forward I would like to call a special meeting (regarding audit)
Result: Speical meeting
7 Abstained
Result: Motion failed
*Gilbert Silva called for emergency meeting 1/7/2022 the board has already approved the audit
This Motion report was created by: Natalie Suan, VP SFTHCC 1/18/2022
1/14/2022 @ 12:40 pm Motion proposed by John Silva, President SFTHCC
I received a request from Mary Smith to help with burial cost/get her husband’s remains from a
funeral home. Her husband, Joe Smith passed away a few weeks ago of Covid and she is enduring a
large financial hardship. I propose we send her $1,500 to help with the cost.
Please vote yes or no by Sunday, January 16 at 6:00pm.
Thank You-Jay
Result: Assistance for Mary Smith
3 Yes
2 Yes if SFTHCC Citizen
2 Abstained
Result: Motion Pending
-Amendments to motion provided by Will:
I support the motion with the amendment that SFTHCC pay to Ms. Smith any gap between the actual cost of burial
assistance and FEMA assistance up to $1,500. FEMA should pay the full amount, but all things are possible. Or I would
support paying Ms. Smith $500 now and later any gap between the actual cost of burial assistance and FEMA assistance
up to $1,000. ~ Will
-Natalie & Will sent board the link for the FEMA Burial assistance program
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
-I support Will to paying Ms. Smith $500 now and later any gap between the actual cost
of burial assistance and FEMA assistance up to $1,000. Also if Joe Smith is Gold Belt,
Sealaska or any village corporation he could qualify for burial funds that would cover
most if not all fees~DonnaRae James~~~~~
1/14/2022 @ 3:13 pm Motion proposed by DonnaRae James, At Large SFTHCC
Before this moves forward I would like to call a special meeting (regarding audit)
Result: Speical meeting
7 Abstained
Result: Motion failed
*Gilbert Silva called for emergency meeting 1/7/2022 the board has already approved the audit
This Motion report was created by: Natalie Suan, VP SFTHCC 1/18/2022
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