Meeting Minutes 3/20/2022 & 3/29/2022

posted: April 1st, 2022

San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
via Phone conference
1-929-223-1870 PIN: 500-9999
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Special meeting closed session
Call to Oder: 7:01pm
Roll Call: John “Jay” Silva, Natalie Suan, Will Micklin, DonnaRae Hannon, Gilbert Silva, Donavin Hannon
Minutes: last meeting 12/12/2021
minutes adopted with corrections
Corrections: Remove personal information such as address, phone number, emails.
Result: All in favor motion passes
Jay Silva is holding the meeting as a continuation of our special meeting 3/12/2022
Jay Silva: Motion to send out legal draft, President’s letter, & Internal Controls letter (ICL)
Jay made sure that all members are clear that letter going out to all communities and CCTHITA.
Gilbert Silva: request names be input into the letter
Jay Silva: says we cannot input names into the ICL letter
Will Micklin: Believes the Draft is straightforward
Natalie Suan: request a list of past board and minutes be included when sending out the ICL & Draft
Motion: Distribute the letter as drafted to our members
Result: All in favor
motion passes
Motion to send adopted 3/12/2022 minutes with these documents
Motion: To attach 3/12/2022 minutes with the legal draft, President’s letter, & ICL
Result: All in favor
motion passes
Will Micklin: Motion to affirm that Charlene Gray is the election officer as reflected in 12/17/2021 minutes.
Voting will be done electronically and the newly elected members will decide who holds which chair. Friday,
March 18, 2022 last day to submit intent to serve, voting: April 12, 2022
Motion: Confirmation that Charlene Gray is the election officer as reflected in 12/17/2021 minutes. Friday,
March 18, 2022 last day to submit intent to serve, voting: April 12, 2022. Result: All in favor
motion passes
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Gilbert Silva: Corrections to the SFTHCC ballot need to be made by 4/4/2022.
Natalie Suan
Motion to send out the documents agreed upon in previous motions through SFTHCC with printing and postage
up to $2,000.
Result: All in favor
Motion passes
Jay Silva will bring to Kinkos or any other local printing and shipping local to Jay. Will Micklin advise Jay
Silva to collect a list to give to Stephanie or Val before the ballots are mailed out.
Gilbert Silva: Are business organizations allowed to hold campaign rallies or events for elected officials?
Jay Silva: unsure he would have to look at the constitution
DonnaRae: Indian Taco event had nothing to do with voting. Held inclusive event. Yes, she posted who she
wanted people to vote for on Facebook
Gilbert: did you hand out any fliers or make any mention of candidates?
DonnaRae: insist that it was not a Clalaska event. people who have attended Calaska events wanted to meet
Jay to DonnaRae: Is it fair to say that you gave false information through email and suggest who to vote for and
how the voting would be calculated?
DonnaRae: Denies sends photo via text
Will Micklin responds to photo: “First I’ve seen this”
Gilbert: wants to know if there is access to information to campaign to all members or only few?
Will: names and address are confidential
Conversation about a possible conflict of interest between SFTHCC & Calaska
Gilbert: Ask for Calaska to give non-profit ID
DonnaRae is unable to produce a non-profit ID
Adjourned: 8:27pm
Monday, March 21, 2022
Will Micklin: In last night’s meeting we forgot to adopt the proposed internal controls. I move for its adoption
and vote to approve following a second.
Gilbert Silva: Second
Result: All in favor
Motion passes
San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
The San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Council President called a special meeting of the Council
members on Tuesday March 29 at 7pm. The SFTH Community Constitution in Section 3 provides, “Special
meetings may be called by written notice signed by the President or by a majority of the members of the
Community Council, and at such meetings the Community Council may transact any business and take any
action within its powers. At all meetings of the Community Council a quorum shall consist of a majority of the
members of the Community Council and no business may be transacted unless a quorum is present.”
I. Call to Order – 7:03pm PT
II. Call roll: Natalie Suan, Will Micklin, Jay Silva, Donavin Hannon, Gilbert Silva, DonnaRae Hannon
III. Establish Quorum
IV. Motions – 7:05pm PT

  1. Motion to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order current edition (12th edition) as the parliamentarian authority for all
    regular and special Community Council meetings. In accordance with these rules, the chair of the Council
    meetings shall be non-voting on all matters before the Council except to break a tie vote (Robert’s Rules of
    Order, Section 4:56 & 44:12). Upon adoption, this motion would be in effect for all future Council meetings
    and until rescinded.
  2. Motion to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order special orders as orders of the day (Robert’s Rules of Order Section
    41:41) for all Council meeting agenda items of President’s report, Treasurer’s report, unfinished business, and
    adjournment with a particular hour, which has the effect of suspending any interfering rules and requires a twothirds
    vote to except from consideration as specified in the agenda.
  3. Motion to appoint a Parliamentarian from among the Council members. The role of the Parliamentarian is to
    advise the chair on questions of procedure for his/her decision. Upon adoption, this motion would be in effect
    for all future Council meetings and until rescinded.
    Natalie Suan: asked Will for clarification on the role of a parliamentarian.
    Will Micklin: The Parliamentarian will be an existing officer of the board. Board members will rotate taking on
    the role of Parliamentarian throughout the 2yr term. The board member currently participating as
    Parliamentarian will be able to vote as usual. In the case of a question of procedure, the Parliamentarian will
    research and advise according to Roberts Rules of orders.
    2nd: Donavin Hannon Result: All in favor motion passes
    San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council
    Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
    Gilbert Silva: Ask DonnaRae Hannon & Donavin Hannon to withdraw as delegates for their self admitted
    embezzlement and to save the SFTHCC Board embarrassment and financial burden of having to move forward
    with a forensic audit.
    Will Micklin: Advices to be careful of the use of the word embezzlement. Mentions that the board has asked
    them to withdraw/resign in the president’s letter.
    Discussion on the word “embezzlement”
    No comment from members of the board. Gilbert ask that we give 24 hour notice for them to inform community
    if they will withdraw or if stay on? Are you Donnarae and Donavin refusing to step down?
    Donnarae: our submissions of Intent to serve is our answer
    Motion for 24 hour notice to inform community to step down
    2nd Natalie Suan
    Opposed: Donnarae Hannon, Donavin Hannon, Will Micklin
    In favor: Gilbert Silva, Natalie Suan, Jay Silva
    Result Tie: Motion does not pass
    Donnarae: question of Jay voting due to the recently adopted motion above adopting Roberts rules of order.
    Will Micklin: The motion does not take effect until the next meeting.
    Gilbert Silva: request that Donnare Hannon and Donavin Hannon remove themselves from the vote as it
    involves them personally. They both decline to opt-out of the vote.
    V. Adjourn – 7:40pm PT
    Minutes were taken by Natalie Suan, VP SFTHCC

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