Meeting Minutes 12/12/2021,
San Francisco Tlingit and Haida Community Council Board Meeting
via Phone conference
1-347-230-8050 PIN: 208-8714
December 12th 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Call to Order: 7:05pm
Roll Call: President: Jay Silva, Vice President: Natalie Suan, At-Large: Will Micklin, At-Large: Donavin Hannon, At-Large: DonnaRae Hannon, Treasure: Gilbert Silva
Minutes: last meeting 8/2/2021
Motion to adopt 8/2/2021 meeting minutes
All in favor
Motion passes to adopt 8/2/2021 meeting minutes as is.
Treasurer’s Report: General Fund $19,354.70
We got 3 checks from T&H: 1 picnic $450, $1000+ unknown, & $2005 unknown
Will Micklin will find out what the checks are for. Asked if for CC of the year ($500)
January 31st deadline
Old Business:
Natalie thanked everyone for their help making the 2021 picnic a success. Although the event went well it was determined that we would NOT use that location again in the future. Restrooms and Shade were not adequate.
New Business
11/29/2021 Natalie: Motion to accept salmon from CCTHITA for community distribution via email.
1 Opposed (no) DonnaRae Hannon
4 In favor (yes) Natalie, Will, Jay, Gilbert
2 Did not vote Donivin, Robert
Motion passes to accept the salmon from CCTHITA for community distribution
Salmon Distribution: Salmon arrived it is currently frozen 800pounds
DonnaRae Hannon: will we have people sing up?
Jay: yes, thinking the same thing that citizens must register online.
We must have people confirm via email, so we do not waste product.
Elections: Jan 16, 2021
Adjourn Meeting: 8:38pm
On Friday, October 22, 2021, 12:39:05 PM PDT, Natalie suan wrote:
Hello SFTHCC Board,
I would like to make a monition to hold our annual holiday party for Saturday, December 11th 2021
Please reply by Monday 10/25/2021 by 5pm. If I have received 4 responses before Monday, I will consider the date approved.
We will vote on the details of the event later. I would like to be able to send out a save the date and have approval from the board to hold the event. We discuss details more during our upcoming meeting.
Thank you,
Natalie Suan
Vice President SFTHCC
holiday party No
Salmon: Yes
Adopt Minutes: Pass
Amended Salmon Distribution Vote
4 Yes
1 No
2 No Vote
Result: Motion Passes
~Natalie Suan
On Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 01:52:09 PM PST, DonnaRae James-Hannon wrote:
If we are planning on doing a distribution this weekend after having a meeting and voting I would like to know what I need to do to pick up salmon for my Drive by Christmas Party Tribal Citizens on Saturday, so they are not having to drive to two locations.
Also is the flyer ready so I can start advertising this information?
The product is purchased by CCTHITA to be distributed by SFTHCC. Just as the other community councils have done SFTHCC will solely run the distribution not to confuse citizens with outside organizations or partnerships. Jay has already started taking reservations for Saturday in person pickup and shipping. A 2nd distribution happen only if product is still available. The Flyer is posted on Facebook and the website.
I asked SFTHCC on 10/22/2021 if they would like to have a holiday party on 12/11/2021. The plan was to distribute at holiday party. I asked CCTHITA if we could have the shipment before this date should we decide to take the fish. Since I did not get a vote I did not pursue it.
2 Yes
0 Opposed
4 No Vote
Result: Failed No holiday party
Also I would like to know if it is in our bylaws to do meetings via email?
“Section 3
The Community Council shall hold such regular meetings, at such times and places, as it shall by resolution
provide. Special meetings may be called by written notice signed by the President or by a majority of the members
of the Community Council, and at such meetings the Community Council may transact any business and take any action within its powers. At all meetings of the Community Council a quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Community Council and no business may be transacted unless a quorum is present. Whether
assembled or not, a majority of the members of the Community Council can transact any business or take any action within the powers of the Community Council; provided, that before the Community Council shall take action when not assembled, a reasonable effort shall be made to advise and consult each member and provision shall be made for evidencing the concurrence of the majority in writing or writings which shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Community Council for preservation in its records. The order of business during the regular meetings shall be as follows: (a) Reading of the previous meeting minutes, (b) Reports of Executive Officers and Standing Committees or special committees, (c) Old business or unfinished business, (d) New business, and (e) Good and welfare.”
Per our meeting on Sunday I was in charge of advertising the flyer, contacting Washington and Anchorage for their information, contacting Tlingit and Haida to get a mailing list and what they can do to help and putting the survey monkey in place.
As of today it looks like everything has been taken from my responsibilities except the survey monkey so I will step back and let Natalie continue with Tribal Citizen contact.
We have not reached our email 24 hours notice of input and the flyers are out in play.
Please add this to our email meeting minutes. Gunalchéesh Hawáa
On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 5:09 PM Natalie suan wrote:
Hello SFTHCC Board,
Thank you Will for all of your research and creating the proposal. . I think your proposal is on the right track. The bullet points in black are the only items I can think of right now to add to it.
- The Estimated $6829.16 would be ear marked as Salmon Distribution funds. Should we not exceed this amount with our evidence of receipts do we return the unused funds? Or are we including in the proposal that any excess funds will be placed into the general fund or used for shipping another project should SFTHCC have other shipping needs?
- Funds will be needed for Dry Ice
- Funds will be needed for an online survey Can we collect this data on our website? rather then paying a 3rd party.
Amendment to Salmon Distribution: Please reply within 24 hours.
- I would like to amend the Salmon distribution motion. To do distribution #1 this weekend 12/18 & 12/19 in Rio Vista. This would include any request for shipment as we will have the labor to get out a Saturday shipment if needed. To release the simple form attached to account for every pound distributed. The 2nd distribution should be on 1/16/2022 this would be incentive for citizens to come out and vote. It would also prevent those who come out to vote from paying traveling expenses again. The new board can then determine if a 3rd distribution is needed and be assured that they have all request by 1/31/2022.
- I suggest we advertise until supplies last and 1 order per household please. According to Will’s shipping estimate we are looking at 8 pounds per person for 100 people or 100 applications. However we should account for product that might spoil, If want to use for a community event, or to offer for storage fees. I recommend accepting 80 people/applications at 8 pounds each.
- We do not have free access to the freezer due to health codes. We must make arraignments to have someone take the product out of the Freezer for us. So we will need to provide him dates to be available. I would also like to suggest we offer compensation for storage. Perhaps payment or offering the proprietor Salmon in exchange for his services? It is very generous when our citizens provide anything to our community.
The Salmon is part of the “Food Security” program we want to make sure that all SFTHCC citizens know they qualify regardless of their financial impact from Covid. The certification request should be data collection for possible upcoming programs should they be approved by the SFTHCC board.
We all agree we need to do something for our citizens. I recommended we do it now. The majority of citizens who will take advantage of a short notice 1st distribution will be local. I do not believe an early distribution will alter our results or contact list.
Thank you,
Natalie Suan
Vice President SFTHCC
Adjourn Meeting: 8:15pm
Next meeting: TBD
Minutes Taken by: Natalie Suan, VP SFTHCC
Natalie Suan, Vice President
See motion report 1/18/2022
Jay Silva & Will Micklin request motion report Natalie Suan created report sent to Will corrections were made to the 1st report. A 2nd report sent to Will to send to council.
3/12/2022 @ 1pm PST Special meeting called by President Jay Silva
Attendance: Jay Silva, Natalie Suan, Will Micklin, Donavin Hannon, DonnaRae Hannon, Gilbert silva, & Randy Renfo of Hunter and Renfro LLP.
Hunter & Renfro LLP attended meeting to discuss the Community Council Analyst report. He explained the document, provided feedback, and answered questions.
The 1st part of the special meeting was not called to order following the approximately 60-minute discussion with Hunter & Renfro LLP the council excused our guest continued with council meeting.
Key meeting highlights…
- Jay Silva: makes motion to contribute to CCTHITA citizen Maddie who needs financial help $700 to obtain the remains of her mother. Will Micklin donates $250 Jay Silva to make donation and SFTHCC to donate the remaining amount for a total of $700.
Motion to assist Maddie in obtaining her mother’s remains.
All in favor
Motion passes
- Jay Silva: Council needs to officially address the absence of Robert Kennedy. Robert Kennedy has failed to perform his duties as Secretary of SFTHCC.
- DonnaRae Hannon address council: Self admits to the issues pointed out in the analyst report created by Hunder & Renfro LLP. She asks how to rectify the situation. Offers to pay back the council funds that were inappropriately taken. Council did not accept placing integrity and the members of the community over any offer of apology.
- Gilbert Silva ask DonnaRae Hannon if she can truly be a benefit to the community after what has happened over the last 4 years. She believes that the embezzlement of funds, lack of attendance, inclusive events, and taking of council data does not and will not affect her ability to continue to represent the community.
- DonnaRae Hannon reports that Donivin Hannon felt offended following a phone conversation with Gilbert Silva a few weeks ago. Donivin Hannon did not report this to the council, this is the first time the council has been informed. Donivin Hannon agreed to feeling offended after DonnaRae Hannon informed the council. Gilbert Silva apologized to Donivin Hannon for anything said that may have offended him and he accepted the apology. DonnaRae Hannon & Donivin Hannon request to have a 3rd board member on all phone calls, they have asked that all communications with DonnRae Hannon & Donivin Hannon be chaperoned. Board acknowledged and agreed to their request.
- Gilbert silva: Request that full access of Facebook and Website be given to the President and Vice President. Council agrees with the request.
- Will Micklin makes a motion to draft an initial draft of the internal controls and community letter to be sent out along with the analyst report
Motion to create draft of internal controls
Result: All in favor Motion passes
The council has decided to take a week to reflect on the information given today. Also, to create the draft and make sure Maddie gets her needed funds. The council works with Donivin for the time of the next meeting since he is the only one with a schedule conflict. It is agreed that the next meeting will be held 3/20/2022 @ 7pm.
Thursday, March 17, 2022 via text
Gilbert Silva “Has administrative access and control for the SFTHCC website and Facebook account been turned ove4r to the President and/or the Vice President of the SFTHCC?”
Natalie Suan: “Hello Gilbert, Jay and I are FB admin. It looks like Donavin is administrator for not sure what Jay’s access level is. I do not have website log in just jay. ~Natalie”
Gilbert Silva: “Hello Natalie, thank you for the information. I’ll wait for Donivin to respond and go from there. I hope you’re having a great day. Thanks”
Donavin Hannon: Just updated Jay as an admin and sent out a link to Natalie for her website account
Donivin Hannon: “Jay and Natalie, I need some accounts made with the sfthcc email so I can transfer ownership of the website hosting and domain name to them. Are you tow available tonight?”
*Jay Silva & Natalie Suan decide that we will wait to transfer ownership of the website hosting on Sunday 3/20/2022 as we would have to coordinate another board member to chaperone the phone call.
Adjourn Meeting: 3:05 pm
Next meeting: Sunday, March 20, 2022 @ 7pm
Minutes Taken by: Natalie Suan, VP SFTHCC
Natalie Suan, Vice President
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